About Us
With a vision that speaks to “preparing communities for the future”, Prairie Wild has grown from a company of one to a company with a number of full-time colleagues, part-time staff, student interns, and a strong network of key associates and co-collaborators who make collaboration our key to serving communities. We have a number of working relationships with firms and consultants from across Canada, the United States and abroad.
Our co-collaborators include academics, associates from universities across Canada, and senior consultants trained in:
- Comprehensive urban and regional planning;
- Environmental sciences and engineering;
- Agriculture;
- Geographical information systems;
- Local and Aboriginal governance;
- Municipal infra-structure evaluation;
- Community development;
- Administration;
- Asset mapping;
- Policy analysis;
- Social research and planning;
- Facilitation;
- Leadership development;
- Social marketing/media; and
- Organizational behaviour.
Prairie Wild Consulting Co.
Office Location: Office 113 - Wallstreet Common, 310 Wall Street, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 1N7
Mailing Address: 610 Walmer Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7L 0E2
Email: prairiewildconsulting@sasktel.net
Tel: 306.653.2385 or Cell:306.222.8481